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1. 多义词在医学英语翻译中的词义选择
很多英语常见词屡屡出现在科技文章里,有人望文生义,把平时常见的词义搬上来,但译后觉得词不达意,不符合科学规范。如culture medium这个词组中的 culture的常见词义为“文化'medium为“媒介”,如果在一般的文 化生活用语中译为“文化媒介”可以接受,但在医学中就讲不通了, 这就是ー词多义现象。原来,culture还有“栽培”“培植”的意思。 medium在生物学或医学中为“培养基”。所以culture medium在 医学英语中应译为“培养基”。
(1) A careful history should include an assessment of the patient's general medical health, including the possibility of diseases in extraintestinal organ system which may produce indigestion.
history的常见词义为“历史”、“历史学”,但这里应译为“病历”全句可译为: 一本详细的病历应包括对病人总的身体健康状况的估价,其中包括肠外器官系统病变的可能性,这些疾病可能会导致消化不良。
(2) A discharce from the nasal cavities may be a symptom not only of the common cold; it may also stem from sinusitis or be an important forerunner of a more serious disease.
(3) It (Test-tube baby) is a baby born to a woman as a result of fertilization of one of her ova by her husband's sperm outside her body.
fertilization是形容词fertile (富饶的、肥沃的)的名词,意为 “肥沃化”、"富饶化”,而在医学中是“受精”的意思。
develop这个词有几种词义,如“发展”(a developing country)、“显影”(develop photographs)、“开发”(develop natural resources)。而在下面两句中是“显露”、“染(病)”之意。
(4) The possibility that a man will develop cancer in the next five years is 1 in 4 if he is sixty-five years old but only 1 in 700 if he is twenty-five.
ー个65岁的人,他在将来五年中得癌的可能性是1 : 4,而一 个25岁的人,其可能性只有1 : 700。
(5) Before introducing needle , be sure all air has been expelled from syringe.
introduce ー词最常见的词义有“引用”、“介绍”等。但在本句中应为“把…插入”。全句译为: 在把针插入之前,一定要把注射器中的所有空气排除掉。
(6) There are some diseases which we can easily prevent by vaccination.
prevent —词一般意为“阻止”(to stop or hold back)但有时也有“预防”之意(to keep something from happening)这一句的 prevent词意应选后者。全句译为:
(7) His mother died of difficult labor when giving birth to him.
Labor作名词用时可译为“劳动”,还可译为“分娩”,这句话中的difficult labor不能译为“艰苦的劳动”,应译为“难产”。全句译为:


2. 常见词义的翻译要符合医学术语和习惯
有些英语常用词出现在医学文章里,其词义也属常见词义,但翻译时要注意措词,使译文符合医学术语。如pain-killing drugs 这一短语,不能简单地译成“杀死疼痛的药物”,应译为“止痛药”。 另举ー些实例进行说明。
8. There is a space between the lens and the cornea.
space可以指时间上的“片刻”“一会儿”,也可指空间上的 “空地”。在这句中很显然是指空间上的“空地”,但如果直接这样翻译,似乎不妥,因为眼球晶体和角膜之间的距离是非常小的,如果译为“空间”“空地”,似乎给人ー种很大的感觉,所以不妨译为“缝隙”即此全可译为:
9. When a bone breaks, new cells begin to grow at the broken ends,more and more new cells are formed until finally the brokenends meet and join together.
10. This common disease (carcinoma of stomach) occurs mainly in men between ages of 40 and 60 years.
common 一般词义为“普通的”、“一般的”、“常见的”,common disease如译为“普通的病”、“一般的病”,专业性就不太强,应译为“常见病”。

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